A look can mean many things. Close up of a painting still on the works.
Last issue wasn't as well received as we had hope so it will be delete. Remember kids, you can click on the picture to view larger. Most of the pictures are better view on screen bigger than your palm. So enjoy this short issue of stills...
Wait, before we continue here is a painting that is framed for sale, let's say $200 to start.
Let the bidding begin...
Fun with lights.
Quique411 helping out with his camera and light writing skills.
Art by Quique411, we had more light art but didn't have time to edit. Maybe next time.
Toe-Knee Alma 180 disaster.
Art by Bode.
Random cat in a window display.
That's it for now but next issue more street art, music, and boobs...
Sunday, April 27, 2014
Sunday, April 20, 2014
Four Twenty In Twenty Fourteen
Puff, puff, pass...
"God is infallible" is what has been said for as long as man can remember. Really, we were children way back then. Then in 1937 marijuana was made illegal by Harry J. Anslinger to try and get rid of blacks and Mexican from America. Now, at this age, we pretend to be a little bit smarter and a little bit grown. Many shows have been bringing up the subject of smoking pot. Shows like, Bones, Cosmos, 2 Broke Girls to name a few, work the issue into the show but don't really address the problem. What problem you might ask, well, why is it still illegal to smoke cannabis in America? Sure in some state it's legal but not as far as Federal goes.
I don't smoke but know all kinds of people, young and old, in all kinds of professions that do smoke. Smoking doesn't make you crazy or all those stupid things you hear from the government. Many people are high at work and do a good job without any trouble. Sometimes, they work better when they are stoned if it's a mindless job. We aren't saying everyone should pretake in it but something that is natural and harmless shouldn't be taken away from man.
In the few years that I had a really good camera there has been many time spent in church. Getting enlighten, to a higher plain, lifted, here are just a few things we are talking about...
Different flavors.
unknown artist
blunt stall to fakie, Toeknee Alma.
Cop harassing homeless person while banks foreclose buildings in the background.
Jesus said it's ok.
Girl getting tattoo at a 420 party.
Cali is nice.
Unknown artists.
close up and bit blurry.
And God said,"See, I have given you every herb that yields seed which is on the face of all the earth, and every tree whose fruit yields seed; to you it shall be for food." -Genesis 1:29
You don't have to be religious to read the bible and keep yourself informed. Hell, most "religious" people don't read the bible but sure like to preach about it. peace, love, and all that bullshit :)
"God is infallible" is what has been said for as long as man can remember. Really, we were children way back then. Then in 1937 marijuana was made illegal by Harry J. Anslinger to try and get rid of blacks and Mexican from America. Now, at this age, we pretend to be a little bit smarter and a little bit grown. Many shows have been bringing up the subject of smoking pot. Shows like, Bones, Cosmos, 2 Broke Girls to name a few, work the issue into the show but don't really address the problem. What problem you might ask, well, why is it still illegal to smoke cannabis in America? Sure in some state it's legal but not as far as Federal goes.
I don't smoke but know all kinds of people, young and old, in all kinds of professions that do smoke. Smoking doesn't make you crazy or all those stupid things you hear from the government. Many people are high at work and do a good job without any trouble. Sometimes, they work better when they are stoned if it's a mindless job. We aren't saying everyone should pretake in it but something that is natural and harmless shouldn't be taken away from man.
In the few years that I had a really good camera there has been many time spent in church. Getting enlighten, to a higher plain, lifted, here are just a few things we are talking about...
unknown artist
blunt stall to fakie, Toeknee Alma.
Cop harassing homeless person while banks foreclose buildings in the background.
Jesus said it's ok.
Unknown artists.
close up and bit blurry.
And God said,"See, I have given you every herb that yields seed which is on the face of all the earth, and every tree whose fruit yields seed; to you it shall be for food." -Genesis 1:29
You don't have to be religious to read the bible and keep yourself informed. Hell, most "religious" people don't read the bible but sure like to preach about it. peace, love, and all that bullshit :)
Sunday, April 6, 2014
Unbasic Instinct
Unbasic Instinct.
We all have basic needs but most tend to want more than what they need. Instinct to reproduce is programed in our DNA but we don't think of all that smart stuff, just that it feels good. Well, here are some pics of boys and girls doing stuff that makes them feel good. enjoy...
Getting tatted.
Playing music.
Singing to the homeless.
Five O grind.
Taking a break.
Tagging up trains.
Now some pics from Quique411
From the Pharcyde concert.
For more of his art and photo check out his Instagram page Quique411
And having fun with other people's camera.
Light drawing. More of this set to come later.
Thanks for stopping by and don't forget to subscribe to this post. Also check out the new music from my new band...
...help with our name and win a cool price. Take care peeps...
We all have basic needs but most tend to want more than what they need. Instinct to reproduce is programed in our DNA but we don't think of all that smart stuff, just that it feels good. Well, here are some pics of boys and girls doing stuff that makes them feel good. enjoy...
Getting tatted.
Playing music.
Singing to the homeless.
Five O grind.
Taking a break.
Tagging up trains.
Now some pics from Quique411

For more of his art and photo check out his Instagram page Quique411
And having fun with other people's camera.
Light drawing. More of this set to come later.
Thanks for stopping by and don't forget to subscribe to this post. Also check out the new music from my new band...
...help with our name and win a cool price. Take care peeps...
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