Sunday, January 9, 2011

Words That Hurt And The People That Throw Them

The first Friday of the first month of the year at the Texan two had a art show for the first time ever. It was pack from wall to wall with folks of all different kinds of lives. Many people there having fun and getting along. Even if some of them don't get along with other people there they kept the peace and had a great time. There was many friends, free food, cheap drinks, and great art! Over 800 pictures were taken that night, but it takes five minutes to upload one picture so we are only posting a few. The rest can be seen by coming over and seeing the pictures at our place. Maybe we should start making a USB thumb drive with all the pictures? What do you think?

Well, until then here are some pics from the Texan Two first Friday art show...

artist at hand Josh Stirflux on the left and Fletch on the right.

Stevie at the jukebox and Crystal with her new mohawk.

Fletch art.

Andy and Jena which gave us a ride we are very grateful, thank you so much.

Blanden's art being examine by Andy.

Flip in front of Fletch's art making the same face as the painting. Ha ha, what are the odds?

Jeff and Blanden.

Tarren saying no means no.

David playing pool wearing a cool tee.

Steve-O in the crowd.

Ric the man that made it happen and put everything together rocking out with Crystal.


Tony and the beautiful Nina.

 Sorry but after hanging out with you more than a few times your name seem to have been forgotten.
Fletch art and bar patron.

First Friday art show sign.

Free food for carnivore and vegetarian.

She has to pee she screams past Josh's art.

Blanden kicking drunks out single handed.
Thanks go to everyone that came out, Ric for putting the show together, Andy and Jena for the ride, and the people that bought artwork. Wish we had more picture of the art and the artist but still happy with the out come.

And we hope to be part of a live art show call Artslam! at the White Rabbit on the 29th of this month. To find out more go to and check out the info. If we can't be in it we are still going so it should be cool.

*click on pictures to enlarge*

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